Supporting the Church
While the Cathedral itself is maintained by Historic Scotland, the Congregation is responsible for meeting all the costs involved in employing its personnel, maintaining its own buildings (including the Cathedral Halls) and in promoting the work of the Church within the community. In addition we contribute generously each year to the wider work of the Church both in Scotland and overseas.
Our income is derived from two main sources:
Gift Aid - a particularly valuable method of supporting the work of the Church, whereby the Church is able to reclaim the tax paid on the amount given, thus greatly increasing the value of such contributions.
Weekly Freewill Offering (WFO) - a system which provides members or friends with a set of envelopes for each Sunday in the year, thereby encouraging us to set aside a sum each week for the work of the Church.
Members of the Cathedral are invited annually to review the amount they give in order to help us meet ever-increasing costs.
If you would like to help support the work of Dunblane Cathedral please click here.