Joining the Church
Each year, from mid-January to Easter, a Church Membership Class meets on a Sunday morning after the Morning Service for those who wish to consider becoming members of the Church by Profession of Faith. The Course covers basic matters of Christian belief and membership of the Church. The Class is open-ended, in that no prior obligation to join the Church is expected of those who attend. The intention is rather to enable people to use the course to help them reach a decision. A Service of Confirmation for those who choose to join is held shortly after Easter.
For those who are unable to commit themselvbes to a series of weekly meetings, an all-day gathering can be held in the autumn, subject to sufficient demand. The same topics are covered in an abbreviated form, with a Service of Confirmation being held on a Sunday shortly afterwards.
Members of other churches can automatically transfer their membership to the Cathedral upon application to the Minister. Likewise, should you leave the area a certificate of your membership will be provided to take with you.
We will always be glad to welcome you if you should wish to be associated with our worship and activity without becoming a formal member. Membership is not necessary for sharing in any part of the Cathedral's life. An Elder can visit, if you should wish, the parish magazine can be delivered and you can be kept in touch with all that is happening in the Cathedral. Having said that, membership of the Church is seen as a sign of our practical commitment to the beliefs for which the Church stands and of our desire to support the work of the Church today. We would always be pleased to assist you in considering this important step.