
Connect is a new social group open to all adults, recently established within the Cathedral.  Its aims are to provide a place to chat, catch up with friends, get to know new friends, feel welcome and have fun.  The format of the evenings is fluid with the idea that we will sometimes meet in the halls and at others have outings.  Suggestions so far include a diverse range of activities such as - social evenings, chip hike to Bridge of Allan, jewellery making night, Dunblane Centre show, film night, balloon modelling, curling, etc.  Come along with your ideas.        

We aim to meet monthly throughout the year.  There is no charge – all we suggest is that you bring a small snack or refreshment to share on those occasions we meet in the Cathedral Halls.  

Contact the Connect group by clicking here, or speak to Fiona Tullis (821959) or Ann Brown (821660) for further information.

Please come and join us! We look forward to welcoming