
Something to do:
Walk among the trees in the graveyard or by the river. Imagine their roots under your feet.
Something to think about:
Where are your roots, your sources of nourishment? What fruits do you want to grow in your life?
Bible verses:
God made all kinds of trees grow out of the ground. Trees that were beautiful. Trees full of fruit.
Genesis 2 v9
A poem:

The tree that grows is the tree whose roots have grown down deep.
Deep enough to resist the battering of the wind and the rain,
deep enough to draw living water even in times of drought.
This tree grows – and is able to support fruit,
and the birds that settle in its branches
A prayer:
Beautiful, loving God;
Starmaker, Treemaker, Maker of me,
root me deep in your good earth,
and help me to grow