Our Cathedral
Dunblane Cathedral, built upon a Christian site first established by Saint Blane around the year 600, is one of the few surviving medieval churches in Scotland. It is home to a Congregation of around a thousand members and serves the parish of Dunblane and its surroundings. Dunblane Cathedral is part of the Church of Scotland and Presbyterian in its constitution.

This website contains information about every aspect of the Cathedral's life, through which we wish to foster a close affinity with everyone in our community. Our worship and all our activities are held open to anyone who might wish to participate as a member or a friend, and whether or not you have any formal Church connection you are invited to share in any part of our Congregational life and to seek the help of this church if it can be of any service to you.
Within the ancient walls of Dunblane Cathedral is a vibrant and welcoming congregation of the Church of Scotland. People of all ages gather to worship and to explore the significance of the life and teaching of Christ.
A strong musical tradition helps to inspire and unite people in their praise. Although conscious of the long tradition of which they are a part, and the significance of the beautiful building in which it gathers, the congregation is neither inward nor backward looking. A strong link with the community of Likhubula in Malawi has become an important part of its life, and there is an emphasis on remembering those within the wider world who suffer as a result of poverty and other injustices. Its range of activities reflects care for people of all ages and people strive to support one another, especially at times of particular need. You are welcome to join us in Dunblane Cathedral at worship and all that the congregation does.
Click on the topics below, or at the side, to find out more about us.