Pastoral Care

In 2014 the Kirk Session’s Pastoral Care Group set up a service to provide help and support in the community of Dunblane. Mainly concerned at present with visiting and befriending we can also provide assistance with local travel, including transport to Sunday Cathedral Services. More volunteers would enable us to increase the services we can provide. We are particularly in need of people who can drive – you can offer this without necessarily committing yourself to any of the other services provided by Good Together.
If you would like to join our group of volunteers you can indicate your interest by contacting the Good Together Coordinators via email by clicking here, or on Tel: 07719-949320.
You can also contact them if you need help yourself or, provided you have the person’s permission, on behalf of someone in need; you don’t have to be a member of the Cathedral Congregation.
If you would like to volunteer to assist with the group, please complete an application form by clicking here. If you would prefer to manually fill in a paper form, these can be downloaded and printed, and handed in to the Cathedral Office.
Click on the link below for the document "Pastoral care Expression of Interest form" in Microsoft Word format:
PCG Expression of Interest Jan 162 MSWord
Click on the link below for the document "Pastoral care Expression of Interest form" in Acrobat PDF format:
PCG Expression of Interest Jan 162 PDF