Cathedral Logo
Having problems getting the tower right? Is the text font not looking as it should? It’s important that we have and use a logo for the Cathedral which is instantly recognisable. If you are creating posters or letters and would like to use the Cathedral name and/or logo, we would politely request that you use the correct logo and the correct font.
The examples are blank logo which can then have the necessary words e.g. "Magazine", "Youth Group", or whatever else added as necessary.
If all of the above makes no sense to you, then fear not - help is at hand! Simply contact Cathedral IT Support or the Communications Group with your requirements and we will create the necessary logo for you.
Please note:
The Charities References in Documents (Scotland) Regulations 2007, which came into force on 1 April 2008, require all Scottish charities - and this includes Dunblane Cathedral - to include certain “prescribed information” in a wide range of documents issued or signed on their behalf. In order to comply with this law the Management Committee of the Kirk Session of Dunblane Cathedral has decided that in material issued on behalf of the Cathedral and all of its organisations the heading should not be changed from “Dunblane Cathedral” but that at the bottom of the first page of any material there should be added –
Dunblane Cathedral Church of Scotland is a Registered Scottish Charity: Number SC004454
Please note that there is a stipulation in the Regulations that this information has to appear “in legible characters”.