Dunblane Cathedral, Kilmadock and Blair Drummond


Review of Giving 2024

It is six years since the last Review of Giving for Dunblane Cathedral was held in 2018. The congregations of Kilmadock and Kincardine in Menteith did not hold formal reviews on the same basis. With the formation of the new united congregation, it is appropriate that a review should now take place, and this will happen during October.

Firstly, thanks should be expressed to all who contribute to the work of our congregation and the wider church. The donations received from members and others are essential to ensure the smooth running of our congregation. One advantage of a formal review is that we all reconsider our offerings at the same time. Therefore, the need for an increase is spread over a great number of people. It is by the summation of many donations of all sizes that our targets have in the past been achieved.  

The past few years have been a turbulent period, with all the difficulties caused by the pandemic of 2020, then the cost of living crisis. Due to these factors, it was decided to postpone the Review of Giving until now.

The last review was effective in balancing our income and expenditure. However, our income is again insufficient to cover running costs. Inflation has been significant, totalling about 30% over the past six years. Additional income is required to ensure we can maintain and develop the Christian witness of the congregation.

Some people may have had increases in income linked to inflation, but others might have had no significant increase at all. While inflation is an important factor in this review, we do recognise that giving has to considered in the light of individual circumstances.

An explanation booklet will be delivered to members and others who donate during the month of October. There will be a form to complete to indicate what regular donation you are able to make. Gift Aid declaration forms will be included unless we already hold a recent form, most probably from 2023.

If you would like to become a donor, please contact the Stewardship Team at: giftaid@dunblanecathedral.org.uk. A copy of the Brochure can be found below. 



Stewardship Committee

1. The Committee shall have the authority of the Kirk Session:

a) to organise the Annual Review of Giving which is conducted throughout the Congregation, including the preparation of all materials involved and the arrangement of Elders' duties. Each year the proposed form of the Review of Giving shall first be discussed at the August meeting of the Management Committee and shall thereafter be presented to the Kirk Session for approval.

b) generally to oversee and manage all practical matters pertaining to the giving of members through the Freewill Offering, Deed of Covenant and Open Plate systems, and ensure their smooth operation within the Cathedral.

c) to co-opt further members to the Committee in addition to those appointed by the Kirk Session.

2. The Committee shall require the approval of the Kirk Session for all matters not specified above.

3. The Committee shall regularly circulate reports of its activities for the information of the Kirk Session, and shall give an annual report at the February meeting, at which its activities shall be reviewed.

Click here to contact the Convener of the Stewardship Committee.