Journal of the Society of Friends of Dunblane Cathedral, Contents Lists
In order to assist in locating articles, the contents lists of some published editions of the Journal of the Society of Friends of Dunblane Cathedral (JSFDC) from some recent years are listed below. To find an article, either browse this list or use a page search facility (press "<control>F") and look for key words.
If you wish to download an article we are sorry but we do not have that facility at present. For access to hard copy archives, full sets of Journals are held by Dunblane Museum and Stirling Council Archive Service. The Editor of the Journal also has a set.
Further contents pages for earlier Journals will be added later.
Journal Contents (Page, Title, Author)
2010 Volume XXI Part 1
3 Religion and Its Recent Critics: A Response, David Fergusson,

Professor of Divinity, University of Edinburgh
10 Dunblane Museum Unwrapped: Saturday 12 June 2010, Janice Ainslie
12 Friends, The Revd Sally Foster-Fulton
15 Heraldry on the Roof of Dunblane Cathedral, Michael Coleman
19 Pichon. Douglas Scott. Two Musings from Ian Reid's "The Musings of Lego"
21 The Chisholm and Ochiltree Stall
22 Saint Cecelia and Saint Villibrord
The Society's Affairs Today and Yesterday:
23 Obituary - Captain D.S.Bowser BA JP
23 The Festival - Saturday 3 October 2009
25 Mendelssohn: A Celebration, Douglas Scott
26 The First Year of the Refurbished Museum, Marjorie Davies
27 Tours of the Cathedral by the Society of Friends, Bill Inglis
28 Assembling a Digital Collection of Helen Lamb's Paintings and Illuminations, Bill Inglis
29 Other Projects being Developed by the Society of Friends, Bill Inglis
29 The Society 75 Years Ago
In and around the Cathedral:
32 Reformation Treasure found in Dunblane, Marjorie Davies
33 Leighton's Reformation Library, Gordon Willis
37 Church Bells during the Reformation, Judith Frye
39 Handbells in the Church in Scotland after the Reformation, Malcolm Wilson
41 Church Music 1560, Matthew Beetschen
43 An Audience for Early Music, Ruth Bamforth
46 Membership Notes
2011 Volume XXI Part 2
vi Introduction to the Articles in the first section of the Journal.

47 Paper from the Festival of the Society - Saturday 02/10/2010: 50 years of Scottish Churches House & beyond.
47 Some reminiscences and thoughts by Dr Ian Fraser, the first Warden and Brian Baker, Warden 1996-2003.
52 The progress of Ecumenism in Scotland - Rev Dr Sheilagh Kesting, Moderator of the Church of Scotland 2007-8.
59 The saving of Kirk Street: the Society of Friends role in the inception of Scottish Churches House, David Kirk.
67 The Prestonpans Tapestry, Maud Crawford.
67 Two More Musings of Lego from Ian Reid:
69 The Commemoration Stone.
70 The Cathedral over the last 600 years.
The Society's Affairs Today and Yesterday:
71 The Festival Saturday 2 October 2010.
71 The Society's Projects
71 The Millennium Garden 1999-2011, Jean Kirkpatrick.
73 Cathedral Tours by the Society of Friends, David Kirk.
74 Assembling a digital collecdon of Helen Lamb's paintings and illuminations, Bill Inglis.
76 The Society 75 Years ago.
In and Around the Cathedral:
77 Stephen Henderson - a Dunblane emigrant in Louisiana from his arrival to his death - Majorie Daries.
79 The Leightons and Europe - Malcolm Allan.
81 The Ringing World - Judith Frye.
83 Global handbell ringing - Malcolm Wilson.
85 "Links with abroad' - the many shades of meaning for composers, performers and audiences - Ruth Bamforth.
88 Flentrop Organ 21st Birthday - Matthew Beetschen.
89 Membership Notes.
2012 Volume XXI Part 3
93 The Campaign to Restore Dunblane Cathedral 1886-1888, Bill Inglis.

104 The Experience of Dying, Dr Murdo MacDonald (Policy Officer for the Church of Scotland)
110 What are Cathedrals For? Ruth Burgess assisted by Ewing Wallace, Malcolm Wilson and Bill Inglis.
114 Stained Glass Memorials to Captain RF Scott (1868-1912), David Kirk.
114 Two More Musings of Lego from Ian Reid
116 The Clement Chapel.
117 The North or Keir Aisle.
117 The Society's Affairs Today and Yesterday
118 Society Outings 2011-2012.
118 The Festival - Saturday 1 October 2011.
118 The Word Revealed, Douglas Scott.
The Society's Projects:
120 Report on the Cathedral Tours, David Kirk.
121 Assembling a digital collection of Helen Lamb's paintings & illuminations & further developments, Bill Inglis.
122 The Society's Council: the Early Days, David Kirk.
In and Around the Cathedral:
127 Royal Visits to the Cathedral, Marjorie Davies.
129 Robert Leighton: Royalist, Gordon Willis.
132 Ringing for the Jubilee, Judith Frye.
133 Ringing Royally, Malcolm Wilson.
135 The Arts and Royal Patronage, Ruth Bamforth.
138 Celebrating the Jubilee in Music, Matthew Beetschen.
140 Book Review: Dunblane from the Stone Age to Mary Queen of Scots by Bill Inglis, Graham Lees.
142 Membership Notes.
2013 Volume XXI Part 4
145 Retirement of Rev Colin G McIntosh, Chairman of the Society 1988-2013, David Jamieson

147 Refurbishment of Cockburn House, the Dean's House, the Dean's Flat and the Museum, David Jamieson
153 The St. Cuthbert's Church Roll of Honour - a neo Celtic Gem, Valerie Inglis
164 Prisons, Social Continuity, Control and Change, Dan Gunn: Director of Operations, Scottish Prison Service
174 Neighbours of Shakespeare? The Leighton Family in London, Gordon Willis
The Society's Affairs Today and Yesterday:
178 Obituary - Alex Wilson, President of the Society
180 The Festival - Saturday 6 October 2012
The Society's Projects:
180 Report on the Cathedral Tours, David Kirk
180 Assembling a digital collection of Helen Lamb's paintings (as before)
181 Table for use at Communions and Headstones in the Graveyard, Chris Frye
182 The Society's Early Days: Contemporary Issues, David Kirk
In and Around the Cathedral:
188 The Church of Scotland Woman's Guild, Margaret Wilkie
194 Membership Notes
2014 Volume XXII Part 1
3 My Experience of Dunblane Cathedral, Rev Colin Renwick

4 A possible link between St Magnus' Cathedral, Kirkwall in Orkney and Dunblane Cathedral, Magnus Peterson
9 Recruitment of Under 18's into the Armed Forces - The Case Against, Sally Foster Fulton
11 Seventy Years of Dunblane Museum, Marjorie Davies and Janice Ainslie
17 Repairing the Flentrop Organ 2013, Matthew Beetschen
The Society's Affairs Today and Yesterday:
19 The Festival - Saturday 5 October 2013
19 The Society's visit to Dumfries House - Thursday 19 June 2014
19 The Society's Projects
20 Tree in Graveyard adjacent to the Cathedral Halls, Chris Frye
20 Report on the Cathedral Tours, David Kirk
22 Assembling a digital collection of Helen Lamb's paintings and illuminations
22 Book review: Valerie Inglis "The Dunblane Cathedral Cradle Roll & the Art of Helen Lamb"
24 Obituary - Tribute to Sheila Gray
26 The Society's Early Days - The Society in the Second World War, David Kirk
In and Around the Cathedral:
30 Dunblane Museum, the First World War and D Day, Marjorie Davies
32 Lieutenant-General William Drummond, lst Viscount Strathallan, Gordon Willis
35 The Impact of the Great War on Bells and Bell Ringers, Judith Frye
38 Handbells and Warfare, Malcolm Wilson
40 "And music dawned above despair", Ruth Bamforth
46 Experiencing Life in the Second World War, Dorothy Miller
49 Membership Notes
2015 Volume XXII Part 2
51 Editorial
53 The Churches of Dunblane and District, Professor John Hume.
60 100 Years of the Benedicite Windows in the Choir, Alison Robertson.
63 Meet the new Organist and Director of Music, Kevin Duggan.
64 25 Years of the Flentrop Organ, Ewing Wallace.
68 A Tale of Two Pianos, Ruth Bamforth.
72 Understanding the Bishop's Palace, Mark Richardson.
76 How we view the Cathedral, Emily, Oliver & Louis Richardson.
The Society's Affairs today and Yesterday
77 The Festival 2014, Ewing Wallace
78 The Society Outing 2015, Ewing Wallace.
79 The Work of the Projects Committee, David Kirk.
81 The Society's Early Days and Plans for a Society, David Kirk.
84 Cathedral Tours, Malcolm Wilson.
85 Membership Notes.
87 Acknowledgements.
88 Sponsors.
2016 Volume XXII Part 3
89 Editorial.
91 The St Blane and St Kessog Pilgrim Journey, Dr. Donald Smith.
99 The Leighton Library: A Tale, Dr. Graeme Young.
102 The Religious Society of Friends (Quakers) in Dunblane, Robin Davis.
103 Senior Sunday School - from local to global citizens, Mark Richardson.
The Society's Affairs of Today and Yesterday
106 The Society and the Press, David Kirk.
110 The Festival 2015, Ewing Wallace.
111 The Projects Committee, David Kirk.
112 The Society Outing 2016, Ewing Wallace.
114 Cathedral Tours, Malcolm Wilson.
115 Membership Notes.
117 Acknowledgements.
118 Journal Sponsorship.