Music List for Services
January 2025 - April 2025


Music - Introits and Anthems

Sunday 5 January 10.30am - Joint service with St Blane's in St Blane's

Darke - In the bleak mid-winter

 Sunday 12 January 10.30am

Cornelius: The Three Kings

Berlioz: The Shepherds’ Farewell

Sunday 19 January 10.30am

Bruckner: Locus iste

Walmisley: Not unto us, O Lord

Sunday 26 January 10.30am

Bairstow: I sat down

Leighton: Let all the world

Sunday 2 February 10.30am 

Eccard: When to the temple Mary went

Stanford: When in our music

Sunday 2 February 6.30pm - Candlemas Service

Harris: Holy is the true light

Parry: My soul, there is a country

Howells: Nunc Dimittis (Collegium regale)

Lead kindly light

Sunday 9 February 10.30am 

Pitoni: Cantate Domino

SS Wesley: Lead me, Lord

Sunday 16 February 10.30am

Tye: O come, ye servants of the Lord

Howells: A Hymn of St. Cecilia

Sunday 23 February 10.30am - Communion Sunday

Tye: Give almes of thy goods

Vierne: Gloria

Vierne: Agnus Dei

Sunday 2 March 10.30am

Bruckner: Ave Maria

Rutter: Parise ye the Lord

Sunday 9 March 10.30am - First Sunday of Lent

Purcell: Thou knowest, Lord

S S Wesley: Wash me throughly

Sunday 9 March 6.30pm - Lenten Meditation

Gant: A penitential responsory

Nystedt: Immortal Bach

Howells: Like as the hart

Sunday 16 March 10.30am

Tallis: To mock your reign

Moore: What wondrous love

Sunday 23 March 10.30am

Farrant: Hide not thou thy face, O Lord

Pray that Jerusalem

Sunday 30 March 10.30am - Mothering Sunday

Langlais: Ave Maria gloria

Rutter: The Lord is my shepherd

Rutter: A Clare benediction

Sunday 6 April 10.30am 

Schutz: Praise to thee Lord Jesus

Greene: Lord, let me know mine end

Sunday 13 April 10.30am - Palm Sunday

Ogden: Hosanna

Morgan: Palm Sunday antiphon

Sunday 13 April 6.30pm - Choral Evensong for Holy Week

Weelkes: Hosanna

Sanders responses

Noble in B minor

Leighton: Solus ad victimam

Maundy Thursday 17 April 7.30pm (in Logie Kirk)Goss: O Saviour of the World
Good Friday 18 April 7.30pmLotti: Crucifixus
Sunday 20 April - Easter Day 10.30am

Moore: Christ being raised

SS Wesley: Blessed be the God and Father 

Sunday 27 April 10.30am

Trad. arr. Wood: This joyful Eastertide

Stanford: Ye choirs of new Jerusalem