Morning Worship

Morning Worship is held in the Cathedral each Sunday at 10.30am, during which the Sunday School also meets and shares in the first part of the Service. A Welcome Area is set close to the Main (South) Door where visitors may make themselves known or seek assistance. Tea and Coffee are served in the Cathedral hall after the Service, to which visitors are especially welcome.
Welcome cards are available in every pew to enable visitors and friends to request information, a visit, delivery of the parish magazine, etc. A Who's Who list of contacts for all Cathedral activities and organisations is available at the Welcome Area.
The following facilities are also provided each Sunday at the 10.30am Service:
- A creche is available for children under the age of 3 years.
- Sunday School meets most term time Sundays from Sept-May in the Cathedral halls and welcomes all children from 3 years - Primary 7 stage. Please see 'Events' for details
- A transport service is provided for anyone who may find this helpful.
- A loop system for the hard of hearing is in operation in the Cathedral.
- Large-print Hymn books are available from the Elders on duty at the door.
- Audio tapes of the Services are available most weeks.