Online Cathedral Services

Services of prayers, readings, reflection and music will be available here on a weekly basis.

Our Sunday Morning Services are live streamed at 10.15am UK time so please join us on our YouTube channel - please click HERE. The services will also be available later for those who may be unable to join us at that time. Please note that the Order of Service is available on the YouTube recording. If you wish to make any comments or have any questions, please contact the Streaming Team by clicking HERE.

All our recordings since 22 March 2020 are still available on our YouTube channel. Prior to 30 July 2023, services were recorded on a Friday night and sung music was provided by the Cathedral's adult on-line Choir, and the on-line Junior Choir, with recordings made at home during lockdown, converted into a 'virtual' choir for the online services. Details on how their music, and the on-line services, were created are available HERE.

For further technical details of the planning and installation of the Live Streaming system, please click HERE.