Performance Highlights of Handbell Ensembles

Performed in Glasgow Royal Concert Hall in the year of it opening, and subsequently. Other major concert venues in which we have performed include Edinburgh's Usher Hall, Dundee's Caird Hall, and Glasgow City Halls.
Performed in Stirling Castle on several occasions. Other historic properties in which we have performed include Scone Palace (when we were dressed in period costume to help recreate a coronation from Scotland's history), Doune Castle, Glasgow's Kelvingrove Art Gallery and Museum and Gleneagles Hotel.
Performed alongside many instrumentalists, choirs, orchestras and vocalists, including Glasgow's Linn Choir, the EMMS massed choirs, the Scottish Chamber Orchestra, and Caledonia Brass.
Contributed to the music of worship in Dunblane Cathedral (on our own, with the organ, with the choir, and with congregational singing) as well as for several other congregations.
Selected to perform in several national concerts of the Handbell Ringers of Great Britain. They also have the distinction of having won the national competition in the Silver Jubilee of the Handbell Ringers of Great Britain.
Performed in international handbell symposium in England (1988), Canada (1992), USA (1996), England (2000) and Canada (2004). Also performed in Germany (we also performed at the three-land-point where the borders of Holland, Belgium and Germany meet so that the ringers were performing simultaneously in three countries at once).
Featured performing group at the Handbell Exploration in Arizona in 1996.
Featured performing group in National Ring in Praise Handbell Seminars for Church Musicians - an event they initiated, and sponsored by them annually since 1989 at Dunblane Cathedral to encourage churches of all denominations throughout the country to develop a handbell ministry.
Broadcast on many occasions on television and radio both nationally and locally - the most unusual being accompanying the electric guitars, drums and vocalists of a rock group.
They have made recordings on their own as well as with the Linn Choir. And they recorded for a CD produced to accompany The Handbell Handbook published by Mayola Music.