Thinking Allowed Group

Thinking Allowed (Adult Education Committee) Constitution

1. The Committee shall have the authority of the Kirk Session:

a) to devise and implement a wide range of adult educational initiatives which will seek to foster spiritual growth among both members of the Church and the community, such programmes to be open and broad in their content and to enable people on the edges of the Church to explore and question their own beliefs.

b) to enable the Congregation to incorporate an ongoing programme of education, exploration and reflection into the pattern of its life.

c) to act as an enabling resource to the Kirk Session, groups and organisations within the Cathedral, offering advice, guidance and support in matters relating to adult education.

d) to develop liaison and foster reciprocal relationships with other groups outwith the Cathedral (eg - the Council of Churches) in encouraging the wider exploration of faith.

e) to work in partnership with the Education Development Officer and provide support for that part of his remit pertaining to adult education.

f) within its allocated budget, to meet all costs involved in running adult education programmes.

g) generally to keep under review all matters relating to and arising from Christian Education within the Cathedral and the wider Church.

h) to co-opt further members to the Committee in addition to those appointed by the Kirk Session.

2. The Committee shall require the approval of the Kirk Session for all matters not specified above, and any significant new matter relating to adult education within the Cathedral shall be brought forward for full consideration of the Kirk Session.

3. The Committee shall regularly circulate reports of its activities for the information of the Kirk Session, and shall give an annual report to the Kirk Session at the September meeting, at which all its activities shall be reviewed.


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