All members are asked to consider the difference that our giving is actually making, not just to keep the Cathedral going, but most especially the work of the national and wider church that we support, and upon which many critically depend. It is easy to lapse into thinking of our contribution to the national Church of Scotland as a “burden” which we bear, when in fact these monies go towards relieving much more onerous burdens of many who truly need our help. Moreover, the pains of those truly desperate for that support, do not disappear just because the economy is in a seasonal crisis. Indeed, in some instances, the need for our support will have become greater. For those of us who can manage it, our giving needs to be “for all seasons”.
Where does our Church’s income come from?
Our income is derived from two main sources:
Freewill Offerings - Apart from the open plate, there are three methods which can be used to make offerings: standing order, cheque and freewill offering envelope.

Gift Aid - a particularly valuable method of supporting the work of the Church, whereby the Church is able to reclaim the tax paid on the amount given, thus greatly increasing the value of such contributions.

You can download a Gift Aid Declaration form HERE
Further income also comes from:
- Halls lettings – The Cathedral Halls provide an extensive range of halls and rooms, available as a resource for groups and organisations within the community as well as the Congregation.
- Income from investments and interest on deposits
- Congregational Organisations
- Single donations and Legacies
What does our Church do with its money?
While the Cathedral itself is maintained by Historic Scotland, the Congregation is responsible for meeting all the costs involved in employing its personnel, maintaining its own buildings (including the Cathedral Halls) and in promoting the work of the Church within the community. In addition we contribute generously each year to the wider work of the Church both in Scotland and overseas.
Charity Aid Fund Matching:
Presently, our church benefits from a number of Charity Aid Match Funding schemes. These schemes are run a by a number of employers who will make a monetary donation matching that donated by their employee to a charity or cause. This can in some cases amount to a considerable amount of money for very little effort. If you work for a company that runs a Fund Matching scheme then please consider how this could be used to supplement you offering. If you are unsure, then please check with your employer and contact the Stewardship Convener
What else can we do to help our Church?
Good Stewardship can be considered in many ways in addition to giving money. When we joined the Church, we all promised to give a fitting proportion of our time, talents and money for the Church’s work both locally and in the wider world.
Money is of course essential to the functioning of the church but as well as our need to increase the regular and committed giving of money to meet the regular and committed expenditure of the Church, we also need to consider how we can increase involvement through the better giving of our time and talents. To this end we are asking all members to consider how they could contribute in a wider sense to the fellowship, wellbeing and workings of our church.