Eco Congregation Group
1. Dunblane Cathedral registered as a participating Church in the Eco congregation project in the summer of 2002. In registering with the project the Kirk Session of the Cathedral agreed to adopt the following Eco congregation modules;
a) module 2 Celebrating Creation; ideas and resources for worship.
b) module 4 Acorns to Oaks, ideas and activities for children's work.
c) module 5 Tread Gently, Go Green; ideas and activities for youth groups.
2. The Cathedral's Eco congregation group shall have the authority of the Kirk Session;
a) to act as the point of first contact between the Eco congregation project and the Cathedral.
b) to oversee the Cathedral's continuing participation in the Eco congregation project.
c) to encourage the congregation and the Kirk Session of Dunblane Cathedral, all of their committees and organizations, to remember that we are called to take care of God's world, and urge them to review the content of their programmes, their work, and their resources in order to ensure that an awareness of environmental concerns and green issues informs every aspect of our life and work, and that we seek to follow best practice in all we do.
d) to act as an enabling resource for the committees and organizations of the congregation by providing information, contacts and materials in support of their work and programmes.
e) to make recommendations to the Kirk Session on the adoption of further modules as and when appropriate.
f) to recommend that the Cathedral apply for an "Eco¬Congregation Award' as & when appropriate.
g) to encourage everyone who is involved in the life and work of the Cathedral to reflect on their own lifestyle, and to develop their own awareness of environmental concerns and 'green' issues so that they can make their own informed choices, because we are all called to be honest and wise stewards of God's creation.
h) within its allocated budget to supply resources and materials that encourage our collective awareness of environmental concerns and 'green' issues.
i) to co opt further members to the group in addition to those appointed by the Kirk Session.
3. The Eco congregation group shall require the approval of the Kirk Session for all matters not specified above.
4. The Group shall report annually on its activities at the June meeting of the Kirk Session, and shall keep the congregation and the Kirk Session up to date with its activities by circulating reports or through the magazine.