Management Committee Constitution


At Dunblane, on the 19th November 1991 the Kirk Session of Dunblane Cathedral Church of Scotland being met and having been duly constituted, hereby enact and ordain as follows, viz:
1. With effect from 19th November, 1991 there shall be a Committee of the Kirk Session, answerable in all respects to the Kirk Session, which committee shall operate under the style and name of “The Management Committee”.   For the avoidance of doubt the Management Committee shall supersede the functions of the Finance Committee and the Works Committee of the Kirk Session.
2. POWERS       
 The Management Committee shall consider, discuss, take decisions upon, transact and carry through all items of business delegated to it from time to time by the Kirk Session but that subject to the following provisions -
The Management Committee shall carry through all items of “Ordinary Business” as hereinafter defined, without requiring to seek the approval of the Kirk Session thereanent.
The Management Committee shall consider fully all items of “Special Business” as hereinafter defined and shall thereupon prepare and submit to the Kirk Session full and comprehensive reports and proposals thereanent, for consideration and decision by the Kirk Session.
The Management Committee shall in September each year, after consultation with the appropriate Committees, Conveners and Office Bearers of the Kirk Session, and others as necessary, prepare and submit to the Kirk Session a budget for the ensuing financial year for approval by the Kirk Session.
Once the Kirk Session has approved the said budget then all items of business for which appropriate provision has been made in the budget or for which a budget is not required shall be deemed to be “Ordinary Business” and shall be dealt with by the Management Committee as above specified.   Such items shall in the normal course include those, but shall not necessarily be restricted to those, specified in Schedule I annexed hereto.
Any item of business for which no provision is made in the said budget shall be deemed to be “Special Business” and shall be dealt with by the Management Committee as above specified.
Further, any specific project or item of business remitted by the Kirk Session as a special item of business to the Management Committee shall be dealt with by the Management Committee as “Special Business”.
The Management Committee shall have fifteen members all of whom shall be members of the Kirk Session.
The Moderator, Session Clerk, Treasurer, Assistant Treasurer, Halls Management Group Convener and Works Convener shall be members of the Management Committee ex officio.
The remaining nine members of the Management Committee shall be elected by the Kirk Session and that in terms of Schedule II annexed hereto.
Each elected member shall serve for a period of three years with one third of the elected membership retiring each year on the date of the Election as hereinafter specified.   The election to replace members retiring shall take place at the November Meeting of the Kirk Session which failing at the first meeting of the Kirk Session held after 1st November, each year.   No member shall be eligible for re-election until one year has elapsed since such member’s resignation or retirement.
The members elected to serve on the Management Committee at the first election of members shall all serve initially for two years, whereafter one third thereof shall retire, voluntarily or by lot at the Meetings in 1993, 1994 and 1995 at which the elections take place.
The Chairman of the Management Committee shall be the Moderator of the Kirk Session.   After the first two years, should the Moderator decline to act as Chairman, and only in that event, the Kirk Session may appoint the Chairman from the membership of the Management Committee:  in that event the Chairman shall serve the Management Committee at the pleasure of the Kirk Session.
The Management Committee shall have power to appoint its own Secretary from outwith its own membership and outwith the membership of the Kirk Session, if need be.
The Management Committee shall have power  (a) to invite any member of the Kirk Session or of the Congregation to attend meetings and to give advice and information as the Management Committee may require effectively to discharge its functions;  and (b) to appoint any such person to perform any task or function on behalf of the Committee.
Meetings of the Management Committee shall take place at the discretion of the Committee.   Such meetings shall however normally be held before each meeting of the Kirk Session so that items of Special Business and Ordinary Business may be considered and transacted in good order and timeously.
The Secretary shall cause to be kept Minutes of all Meetings of the Management Committee.   These Minutes in so far as they relate to Ordinary Business shall be submitted to the Kirk Session for the information of the Kirk Session only.   In so far as they relate to Special Business they shall come before the Kirk Session for consideration and decision.
It shall be competent for the Kirk Session at any time after 1st November, 1993 to review and to reconsider the Constitution of the Management Committee and to restrict, or enhance and enlarge, its powers as hereunder specified.
a) Presentation of the Annual Accounts and relevant deliverances.
(b) Fixing of Salaries and Stipend and decisions on related matters.
(c) Consideration and rearrangement of investments and insurances.
(d) Donations given or received subject to a limit of £1,000.
(e) Purchase of  equipment including furnishing, music and hymn books.
(f) Consideration and implementation of the programme of repairs issued by the Presbytery of Stirling.
(g) Annual inspection of properties.
(h) Routine and/or essential maintenance and repair.
(i) Practical matters relating to the supervision and support of the Cathedral’s Organisations.
(j) Use and allocation of accommodation.
(k) Matters relating to Historic Scotland, and meetings and correspondence associated therewith.
(l) Fees for weddings, funerals and other services or special services.
(m) Appointment of Elders to Committees or other organisations, other than the Presbytery of Stirling or the General Assembly.
(n) Matters relating to the appointment of staff.
1 The election of  members of the Management Committee shall take place at the November Meeting of the Kirk Session which failing at the first Meeting of the Kirk Session held after 1st November.
2 One third of the elected membership of the Committee shall retire at that Meeting.   Those to retire shall be those who have been longest in office since their last election but as between persons who became members on the same day those to retire shall unless they otherwise agree among themselves be determined by lot.
3 A person shall be eligible for election as a member of the Management Committee provided that -
(a) he/she is a member of the Kirk Session
(b) he/she has intimated in accordance with paragraph 4 that he/she intends to be a candidate at the annual election
(c) all casual vacancies arising among the elected membership of the Management Committee may be filled by the Committee and the elder chosen by the Committee shall serve as a member of the Committee until the expiry of the term of office of the member whose death or resignation has caused the vacancy.   The said elder shall not be eligible for election until one year has elapsed since his or her resignation or retirement.
4 Candidates and Election
Any elder wishing to fill a vacancy caused by a retiral occurring in accordance with paragraph 2 above shall so intimate to the Session Clerk no later than 5 weeks prior to the meeting referred to in paragraph 1 above.
If insufficient elders to fill the vacancies that will arise at the said meeting have so intimated, it shall be open to the Management Committee to fill the outstanding vacancies.
If more elders than are required have so intimated it will be for these elders, under the supervision of the Management Committee, to decide who is to be elected at the forthcoming meeting of the Kirk Session, failing which the elders who are to be elected will be chosen by lot by the Management Committee.”
Election of Management Committee
Election of the Committee shall take place at the appropriate meeting of the Kirk Session.

Revised:  17 February 2004