Church Service Details

Times of Services

NB Please always check what services are coming up by clicking on our Services page for dates, times and more details.


Weekly throughout the year - Sunday morning at 10.30am (and also online)

Midweek Service - Wednesday morning at 11.00am

Summer Months - Family Service - Sunday morning at 9.00am. (Please check)


Weekly on-line services are available on the On-Line Services page below - see HERE - and also directly from our YouTube channel HERE.

The following facilities are also provided each Sunday at the 10.30am Service:

•    A creche is available for babies, toddlers and their carers in the Halls.
•    Cathedral Kids meets most term time Sundays from Sept-May in the Cathedral halls and welcomes all children from 3 years - S2 stage. During this time, Cathedral Kids also meets and shares in the first part of the Service. Please see 'Services' for details
•    A loop system for the hard of hearing is in operation in the Cathedral.
•    Large-print Hymn books are available from the Elders on duty at the door.
•    Audio CDs of the Services are available most weeks.

During the summer months, we usually hold a short, informal, half hour family service each Sunday starting at 9.00am. All are welcome to join us at this, leaving the rest of the day free to enjoy the summer weather! (Please check in advance that the service is taking place.)

In addition to the Sunday services, we have a weekly mid-week service held on Wednesdays at 11.00am in the choir area of the Cathedral. All are most welcome at this informal, short service.

Additional services e.g. Evensong may take place at other times during the year. Look in the Services page for dates and times and more details for LAL our services.

Dunblane Cathedral is part of the Presbyterian Church of Scotland.  A Welcome Area is set close to the Main (South) Door where visitors may make themselves known or seek assistance. Tea and Coffee are usually served in the Cathedral hall after the Service, to which visitors are especially welcome.

If you plan to visit Dunblane Cathedral at other times than services, look here for more details, including opening hours. We are a busy church and there are a lot of activities in the Cathedral and its halls. Full details of all public events within Dunblane Cathedral and wider afield are available HERE.


The music lists for our services are available from the Choir page or by clicking HERE.

Local Churches

Dunblane Cathedral works alongside other churches in Dunblane - St Blane's Church, St Mary's Scottish Episcopal Church, Church of the Holy Family, Dunblane Free Church and others.

Can you help?

It takes a lot of volunteers to provide all the services available within the Cathedral. If you are able and willing, your energy and time would be very helpful to various areas of the Cathedral. At the start of this New Year, the following groups are all urgently looking for helpers, and can be contacted with the details below:

Community Lunch Club – We are hoping to restart the Dunblane Community Lunch Club and are looking for helpers – kitchen staff and especially drivers. If you can help with either of these roles, please click HERE to fill in the form and let us know.

Live Streaming – We have an active Live Streaming team who support our thriving online congregation with our weekly service and occasionally other services. We would like to have a few more hands, of all ages, to help out on audio and/or video at these services. If you are interested, please come along and speak to any of the team after the service, or contact us by clicking HERE. Technical knowledge is NOT a pre-requisite, so please get in touch if interested.

The Well - With the opening of 'The Well' providing teas and coffees in the morning during the week again, we are looking for volunteers to assist, either regularly or just occasionally. Additionally, we are looking for an overall volunteer coordinator to manage the rota for the volunteers. If you are willing to help in any way with this venture, please contact Alison Wright or contact the Cathedral by clicking HERE.

On-Line Services and Cathedral Kids News

Cathedral Events

Supporting Causes



It is hard to watch each news bulletin on the human tragedy that is unfolding in Ukraine at present, and it is easy to feel helpless in the face of the grief, fear and danger faced by the Ukrainian people remaining in their homeland as it comes under attack from Russian armed forces, and the sorrow, exhaustion and uncertainty of those who have fled their homeland without knowing where they will go.

Our midweek service is held in the Cathedral Halls each Wednesday at 11.00am, where we will pray for our world and our community, and continue praying for peace in Ukraine.

We are also encouraging people to give financial support the DEC (Disasters Emergency Committee) Ukraine Humanitarian Appeal. Working with other major aid agencies, including Christian Aid and the British Red Cross, DEC will be helping to provide, food, water, shelter and medical assistance to the people of Ukraine. Please click HERE to donate.

Donations and Finance

Please assist with the running of Dunblane Cathedral by clicking on the Donate button image below.


Thank you in advance for your generosity.



Gift Aid


In order to add Gift Aid to financial donations to the Cathedral, please download a PDF clicking HERE to print and sign and hand it in to the Office or to the Gift Aid Registers after Church. Alternatively post it in an envelope marked Gift Aid to the Office at the address below. A scanned PDF form may be emailed to the Gift Aid registers using this link - click HERE.

Subscribe to get our Magazine via email

Please click HERE to fill in a form to receive a link to the full-colour Dunblane Cathedral Magazine, straight to your inbox.

Other items

Dunblane's Leighton Library

Robert Leighton is commemorated within Dunblane Cathedral as one of the key figures on the pulpit telling the story of the history of Dunblane Cathedral, and also the magnificent carved reredos of the Leighton Screen filling the wall behind the Communion Table, depicting the seven corporal acts of mercy. You can find out more in this post about the restoration of Dunblane's historic Leighton Library which was the bequest to Dunblane of Robert Leighton - click HERE to view the videos.

'Hymne til Ærø' CD

To commemorate 30 years of the Flentrop organ in Dunblane Cathedral, we are delighted to offer a meticulously selected and beautiful CD of Danish works on this magnificent instrument.

"Hymne til Ærø" takes its title from a work of the same name composed by Kevin Duggan, Dunblane Cathedral's Director of Music, after his time living on the Danish island of Ærø. The piece is one of two world-premiere recordings of his music featured on this release.

For local residents in Dunblane and Doune, there is an option to purchase CDs for £10 and have them delivered by hand for free, available HERE

For addresses further away, there is an option to have the CDs sent by post for £12 including post and packing by clicking HERE


Please note: UK sales only

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